hi i’, sooooo impressed your work! I want some explain how to make a look-alikes with mesh. Please answer me, thanks.
Hi, as replied on Youtube, in the comment mentioning “look-alikes with mesh”, I also explain what those are. Basically a distorted, a little subdivided cube separated into vertex groups. Then you use subdivision/displacement on those groups to achieve what can be seen. Should be quite intuitive if you define for yourself what shapes/dinamics you want to achieve and where.
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hi i’, sooooo impressed your work! I want some explain how to make a look-alikes with mesh. Please answer me, thanks.
Hi, as replied on Youtube, in the comment mentioning “look-alikes with mesh”, I also explain what those are. Basically a distorted, a little subdivided cube separated into vertex groups. Then you use subdivision/displacement on those groups to achieve what can be seen. Should be quite intuitive if you define for yourself what shapes/dinamics you want to achieve and where.